Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mharee Irish : 18

Annyeong! It's been a month since my last update. Keeping up with new updates would be really hard because of the Christmas season. Anyway, I got booked for another MUA + photo session with a debutante (again!). In between my hectic schedule for a musical I've been working on (which is showing tomorrow night OMG), I'll never EVER get busy for a beauty sideline. There's always time for make-up! Anyway, the photos are below, and a few bits and random stuff I'd like to share with you on beauty, make-up, do's and don't and whatevs. Go, go, go!

- S

Soooo basically, make-up's a little dramatic because her gown shouts gorgeous! I opted (and she wanted it, too) for a blue to black smokes for her eyes to go for her theme, "Starry, Starry Night". One thing I learned with make-up photography, NEVER. USE. NUDE. for lips. No matter how bold the eyes are, I mean it, lips should always have color unless you want a teethful of whatever-that-is-below-her-nose-nothingness. I loved the look, though. I'd say perfection with how the photos turned out. I am still in between the "princess-y-hey-i-am-a-lady-now" make-up and this "i'm-eighteen-i-do-what-I-want" feel. The photos turned out well, so no hate! Happy 18th birthday, dearie~ Cheers to a new chapter of your life unfolding!

Thanks for droppin' by! Hearts!


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